I had a conversation this morning about life...well, it began about the end of the world. Is the end of the world coming? I mean, with war and rumors of war-as stated in Revelations...false prophets, Global warming, increase in natural disasters, and people just seeming to be less...well, humane. Is the world coming to an end and in turn, is life too...coming to an end? My response was a simple no. Not that I can tell. I mean all things change, and the world or Earth is changing, but ending...not in our lifetime. Unless you know, someone pushes the button...otherwise, we are merely in a contiuous state of evolution. I would even go further as to say that the story...that of the world and life and some kind of terminal date, is a fabrication and in fact the story-the world-never ends. Life, is a never-ending story.
The person I was talking to just looked at me, like what are you talking about-sensing some confusion, I simply continued. I said that we are just a part, a small miniscule part, of this much-incredibly larger thing called life. I mean, it is broken into a billion little pieces, but it is nearly impossible for us to grasp-even conceptually, the entirety of life. For us, right now is all there is. We can think of yesterday, and read of yesteryear and perhaps even dream of tomorrow but we never really leave the right now. Thing is, that nearly 5 billion other people are in their own respective "right nows" too, and they all have thoughts about the world and life and the continuation of it. All never venturing to far from the common thread-what does it mean to me? But none of them, not one in the 5 billion people that exist, control today nor tomorrow.
They cannot predict the end, or even agree unanimously on the beginning. It is all, this life, the perspective of the individual living it. However, regardless of how it is written, it will never end. All the fears we have are centered on the one true reality of life...Death. The end of the world, nuclear war, terrorism...the fear associated with any of that is the fact that we do not want to die and again cannot truly conceptualize what death is. We do know, or so we think, it is forever...but perhaps it is another beginning. People have written on this, religions are founded in it and yet most still fear that which is inevitable. But the fact of the matter is there were people before us and there will be those after...that is truth. What is also truth is that one day we will no longer exist as this...truth. But will the story end? No.