It is funny, how many times you start anew...I am going to start fresh on Monday-working out, eating less junk food, reading more, being a better friend-yada, yada, yada. Most often, something, be it a statement someone made, or a great book or a character in a movie...something has usually motivated you to get to the "Anew" position. It is not a bad thing I suppose, I mean we should be allowed to re-create ourselves as often as we like. It takes time to truly get to the essence of who we are...and that may be a life long journey. You don't have to stay the same. Same old same old; naw.
In that light, anew is a good term. One that all should encounter and embrace. It does not last long, I mean once you start "anew" it is no longer anew-it is well, it just is. I mean once you begin a journey you are no longer beginning you are on the journey. Once you decide to change either bad habits or simply develop some new ones the new piece is gone. Thing is, only way to stay on the "new" path is to use discipline in your approach. The D word. I think more than anything, the D word is like the whole foundation of "Anew".
Check it will be forever starting anew if you do not incorporate discipline. I do not know how many times I "started" working out. I think the longest consecutive visits had to be like a year-2 or 3 times a week-and I was in good condition. But the trials of life take you out of routine space and well-I am about to start Anew tomorrow...ummm yeah. If I could get up in the morning than-wait-if I had the discipline to go to bed early and get up in the morning I could work out before work...say word. it goes back to the D.
Regardless, we will forever be starting anew at something. The beauty of life is that if you wake up in the morning you have yet another opportunity to change the way you are living for the betterment of your entire existence. I truly think the power we have to determine our future, our life, based on our choices, is somehow lost between socialization and religion. Often, we put all the hard stuff on God or society-Lord please help me pay all these bills or the government aint got a program to help me make it through tough times...but when it is all good, well, we take all the credit for that. Look at this new car I bought-or this promotion I earned...where is God in that, or your free public education. The fact is we have control over the good and the bad aspects of our life, and although God is always with us he provided us with free will to make decisions and choices in our lives.
This free will, coupled with logic and reason, allow us to at times see our errors and try to rectify them within ourselves. This is what me mean by starting anew. God gives us a second chance so to speak every morning we are able to open our eyes. A new day to become what are dreams have defined us to be...