Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't Call it a Comeback

The New Year has begun, 2009, and I am once again in Graduate School. It has been a long time coming, but I know...yeah, yeah. I took a little hiatus, I call it a hiatus in humility but my pilgrimage into the land of greater understanding is complete. I now must work toward the goal that was stated at the beginning of my journey, the PhD. I need to marinate on that for a second-actually took a class tonight. God is real, I tell you. He may not come when you call, but he will be there right on time. Patience and humility...practice these and perhaps, just perhaps the Almighty will bestow some grace and mercy upon you.

He has definitely shined on me. I do think that God is our first parent-and at times we must be scolded and disciplined in a way that only our spirits can understand. The rational man is at times a mere possession of his own ego-for in his rationalization of all things he never seems to see the fault in himself. The perfection man seeks to find is not within him, but within God and by understanding that you are merely a servant of a greater power, then you may be able to find a more perfect walk in life. This walk is with God, and under the total influence of his word...that is the comeback. The coming back to the realization that you are a child, and that the parent who is the Almighty Father is in control of all things.

When you release that ego...through time and tribulation, then you stated, just may find grace and mercy. Your story, my story...our story, is already written and in time all things are revealed. New Year.

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