Friday, October 20, 2006


It all begins with, the joy and pain to be eventually connected with it, well, that does not really matter at the very moment that it happens. "It" being conception, even if it is a thought or a dream or what have you-it is pure for only a second. Maybe even time cannot be attached to the purity of conception-thoughts, ideas, actions all will be judged...judged by the standards and morals of man, of one's socialized belief in good or bad, right or wrong, but prior to know, it was just a thought or an idea. Life, it was an idea before it was-so is that when conception occurred, when the mind gave birth to the idea of it? I don't know, but this the first entry in my "blog" so to speak, and it has me thinking about the beginning of all things. What will become of this blog...I am more than uncertain yet it is a comfortable uncertainty. Will it grow like a flower, replenishing questions in minds of all that read...create a desire to debate, to state an alternative point of view to all that I relay? I hope it will be a sounding board, but that is to be determined in time. Right now, maybe someone will simply be feeling me, and the conversations I have been longing to have will take place in this very space. Perhaps...again, only time will tell and time tells nothing, before it is ready. I have never been one to question time...
never asked tomorrow what would occur
it would have answered me not
for I have no power over my destiny
no control of my life
and I know you like
but you can control your own actions, brotha
Yes, perhaps...but not necessarily the situation
they may put you in
and thus your response to
situations may be more
reaction than what you would have planned
to do
make you ask who is in control
of who
well it is easy enough
for me to understand
is in charge
of nothing...
and I being man,
than nor am I
I leave the questions I put before
up to God
to decide...
and thus I bask in the mere blessing
asking questions of time
waiting to speak with
for the answers
yet God tells nothing

1 comment:

Zen said...

RushTaper... Nice to see you back, sharing your words for the benefit of others. I knew it was only a matter of time.

Hope to see this conception blossom into thought and inspiration of newly conceived ideas for all who read here.
