Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes We Can

Barack Obama has been elected President of the United States. It is official. The first African American to become our President has happened 35 years into my lifetime. There is nothing bigger, that I have witnessed, than this moment. It may be the most significant event of my entire journey here on Earth. I can hardly believe it is true. President Obama.

I brought in the news with my DC family-Melissa, Mike, and Brin-oh, and perhaps the entire OBAMA-NATION! We were on 14th and U, where it seems all the most significant events in my life have taken place, at a spot called Tabaq. We wanted to go to the liberal-minded and revolutionary influenced Busboys and Poets, but it was a line longer than the one to vote that morning so we settled in around the corner. It was a packed house, and we had a table near the big screen to watch the results of the election.

The atmosphere was amazing. It was like we were at a sports contest, yet I never felt any anxiety about the outcome. I knew he-we would win. State by state came upon the screen and the people cheered...gave high fives and hugs. Total strangers embracing change. It was a wonderful sight to see. Then came the announcement- Barack Obama has been elected President of the United States. President of the United States. President. I was in awe. There was all this noise around me and movement but I could hear nothing...I was inside the moment. I was just staring at the screen.

We listened to his speech in the midst of a coalition of believers...believers in change and the possibilities of our nation. It was surreal. People were hugging and holding hands during the speech but I was in a trance...arms folded and just listening intently. I had believed this day would come, not from the beginning that would be a lie, but I had believed shortly thereafter. It came a time when hope sprung a leak in me and I could not plug the hole. During this moment I was overwhelmed with that emotion-my eyes watered at the enormity of the occasion.

You really had to see it. When we walked out of Tabaq, well, you just had to be there. I think it is on YouTube somewhere, maybe I will find it and post the link. But it was, well like nothing I had ever seen in my lifetime. U Street was full of people. The corner of 14th and U was packed with people singing, crying, yelling, dancing...all ranges of emotion. They were adorned in Obama paraphelnelia...Get Out to VOTE t-shirts, and faded jeans. It was a humongous block party that I am told went from 14th Street all the way to the White House. Police were just sitting in their cruisers watching the was euphoria. I mean look up the word and read its definition. That is what I felt there. But I also felt that I was amongst the people of the nation- black, white, asian, indian, young, old, gay, straight, professional, thug...the country was spread across U Street dancing to the congo drums and chanting "Obama, Obama, OOOO-Ba-Ma" at the top of their lungs.

That night. That moment...well, it began. All the fanfare up to the day was real. People were as peaceful as they had ever been in life. It was hard to imagine just 40 years before people, young and high-spirited, had burned the same U Street down and rioted throughout the city at the news of the death of their beloved King. On this evening, we saw that his death was not in vain. All had been prophecized and realized in 40 years.

I do not look at tomorrow, or President Obama with unrealistic expectation. The road will not be easy-he said it himself in his speech-but it matters not. Not for this entry. Not for this moment. This moment alone, is without ridicule and critique. It is pure. It is joy. It will never be tainted. You cannot destroy this memory. It is beautiful. Our shining black prince. He is truly a representation of all that is good in America. The dream illustrated.

There are no words to describe how the ancestors feel-both black and white. Reconciliation brought forth in a people's movement for change. On this day, we allow our symbol to shine. For all those who wish to say or think we cannot we tell them simply...Yes We Can. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to witness today.

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