Monday, October 23, 2006


Taboo. If something is taboo, it is that which should not be done...but not necessarily bad but maybe immoral; unethical, nasty even. I was actually playing the board game last night with some friends, girls versus guys and without a doubt the guys won (that is another blog in itself), but the game's name is what has initiated this entry today. Taboo. The name even sounds African or Indian in origin. The funny thing about it though, this taboo, is that it is ever-so tempting. I think temptation and taboo are colleagues in a conspiracy against anyone on the straight and narrow path. In other words, the two are usually found in close company...working towards the derailment of standards. But even in trying to get someone to break a societal rule, by doing the unthinkable-there is something within every human being that is predisposed to want to break the rules.

Now the philosopher Thomas Hobbes stated that man was preoccupied with his own self-interest, and would do anything to further those interests. This is the whole rationale for the "man is inherently evil" theme, which is why government, or rather some system of rules are necessary for man to survive and interact with others like unto himself. However, the rules or government that is set up and which establishes the parameters of life for all within society is often created by whom-another man, or group of them. Therefore, the rules of which all must follow are the rules of the few over the many, and are based on those few individuals' personal conceptualizations of right, wrong, and what have you. Now, stay with me for a second...

So if one man or group makes the rules, based on their own experience, and I do not agree with their rules because of my own experience...should I be punished if I break them? I mean what is taboo to one, may not be to the other. Is there a universal truth that all men share and because of this all men are regulated by the same rules and laws? Well, if all men are regulated by the same rules then think of this...It is taboo for Michael Jackson to interact in a strange manner with little boys, he was put on trial for it-the rules said he should be jailed for his acts...but was it not taboo for Woody Allen to marry his adopted daughter, regardless of whether he waited for her to come of age to wed...for Senator Foley to send inappropriate messages to pages then claim he was a homosexual-alcoholic-abused child, and this was rationale for his actions. Neither he nor Mr. Allen have been prosecuted for their crimes against how is Taboo defined-when all these acts with regard to children should have been labeled the same? (At least in my opinion they should all be taboo-even sick if you want to get real)

Regardless, taboo means different things to different people. My mother often says the world is so bad today, people are doing such evil things to one another. How did it come to this, she says. I often remind her that people have been doing evil things since the beginning of time. America sponsored a 400 year campaign on oppression and bondage...there is nothing more haneous than that. It is just that history is distorted by the victor, and truth is suppressed...expression of that suppressed truth thereof can be seen as taboo. We don't talk about the war in Iraq as totally wrong-just as a situation we wish was better. Death and destruction is taboo here...unthinkable. We are still in pain over 9-11, but does that justify pain being inflicted on innocent people globally...I should probably not even discuss this...that is taboo as well. Opinions, when they are not of the majority begin to be defined as such. Labeled as something they are not...soon thinking may be taboo too.

You betta not do that
you know it is wrong
you just betta sit still
and be quiet
you aint got that long
just a bit of time left
for you be free to do
what you please
so button your lips
swallow your morality
close your eyes to all you see
that dont agree with your
no one asked for your opinion
so do not provide it
and if you feeling emotional
about a particular issue
you best to hide it
aint nobody ever tell you
it was taboo
to speak of such things
to question the unquestionable
have thoughts
outside of the
you betta just close your
and follow...
like all the rest

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