Monday, December 15, 2008


I finally put the Variations in Color-one man poetical experience-on before a live audience. From out of my head, and to the stage. Well, not a literal stage, but inside a the Douglass Learning Center in my hometown. It was a very good feeling for me, and I think the performance resonated with many that attended. That is in essence the only real reason I write and perform-to evoke thought and prayerfully action from that thought. I know the show is real heavy, but there is weight in truth-whatever that truth may be. It is never light-truth that is. THIS KNOWLEDGE WEIGHS A TON!!!

Regardless, it is done. It needs some work, but for the most part I think I can say I accomplished all that I wishted to with the initial offering. It is crazy though, much of the material came out of an entire other episode of my life...but things come full circle. I mean there is nothing new under the sun, and we are in a continual cycle of reinventing ourselves. I am trying to get the better me. It is definitely a work in progress-and the Variations piece is a reflection of that.

I did get an article in the paper though-twice in a weekend. I mean it was the local paper, but coverage is coverage brother LOL. I thought the write-up was real cool, and on the straight up and up so I cannot complain. It is all a part of the divine plan I think-what God has set in motion no one can destroy. Just have to remain faithful-there in lies the hard part. Sometimes when things are going well, well, we think that it is supposed to always be that way and that our dreams will happen along with ease. Everything takes work, dreams are no different. God has a plan yes, but in that plan is struggle, heartache, triumph and prayer. To truly ascend you must begin where...the bottom. To then climb higher, you must continue to overcome obstacles to then reach the next level. It is easy enough to see when in the realm of the hypothetical, difficult to digest when in the midst of the struggle.

Still, I feel right my time. Not in a vain sense of it all, but my time to move the agenda of my spirit forward. The agenda placed there by God. Variations in Color is one of the vehicles. Let's ride.

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