Thursday, November 02, 2006

Change is not given...

It is earned. My good buddy just told me that on the phone, change is not given it is earned. He went on to say that when God gives you a chance, you need not ask why nor question whether or not you should take it...just take the chance. Often, we think that we are in total control of our existence; as if we are in charge of the course of our lives. When things are going wrong, or not the way we would wish them to we again think that "change" will occur simply because we want it to. But change is never simply given...nothing happens just because we want it to happen. It goes back to the fact that God is in control of your life-well, at least mine, but I do not or we do not always acknowledge it. You have to work hard for that which you want, or even to change the situation you may find yourself in because through that work, that effort, God recognizes your dedication to that which you wish to achieve and/or change and when he feels you have proven yourself then change will occur.

It is a humbling experience and even a more humiliating belief, that you are honestly at the mercy of a loving God. In this I mean that you can control your own state of being, how your respond or react to stimuli, but you cannot control anything else in the universe. If you believe that God has created all beings and all things that do exist in the universe, then you must understand that control of all things belongs to God. In this, you can control your limited amount of actions, but you cannot control any of that which goes on around you-from the weather in the morning, to the people you interact with, to the control nothing. In this lack of control, you find only one method to maintain sanity, and that is by faith. Therefore, your faith can sustain you when all control is lost, for your faith allows you to accept the lack of control and what little control you have over yourself, is then relinquished to God and you are at the mercy...of a loving God. This is my belief, but believe me it is not always a belief that I recognize or practice.

However, I now...on this day, am at the mercy of the Lord. I spoke of a test in a previous blog entry, a test I felt bad about. The results do not seem favorable to my progress so the control I had, upon taking the test initially is gone and the outcome of this situation is then left to God. You see, you can only go but so long without acknowledging who is truly in control of your life. Many of us, we stray from the teachings of the Bible, or whatever religious text that has been offered to us in our lives. In this disconnnection, we feel we are capable of handling all situations that may occur in our life-but we are wrong. Stress and anxiety are the bastard children of problems too big for the human spirit to endure alone...change again, does not just is earned. Stress and anxiety do not just fade away, they are resolved through meditation and faith in the power of God.

If you believe in me
he said
you shall live
is too long to conceptualize
but I try
to imagine if
there is a day and night
a now and then
in the after-chapter
where there is no
only beginning
and sin
is there even such a word?
in the land where no man
is disturbed
no woman ashamed
of her being
a place where possessions have no
yet the worth of the word
beyond definition your sense of
all wrongs have been made right
and forgiveness
is no longer spoken of
it is...
as is this place
beyond the borders of mortality
found in the realm
of the spirit
and you bear the pain of humanity
no more
on the shores of a better day
you play in the sands of time
and worry not about how long
you sit
seated with ancestors whose names
have no record
in memory
where memories are meaningless
for there has been nothing before
nor will there be anything after
this moment
this moment is...
all that is
and all that is
is he
and he is
and you...
at last

RushTaper Copyright 2006

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