Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Life is a series of timelines...how much time will it take to get here, or there? When will I complete this project, this degree program...this workday. I think sometimes we live so much in between the timeline, that we kinda lose sight of that which is going on inside of it. I mean, you can become hell bent on completing something and find out that you never enjoyed what you were doing in the process. It should not always be about the reward...the story is not written just to get to the conclusion. It is often the story itself that makes it all worth while.

Perhaps I too am guilty of lessening the value of the journey for want of the destination. To live without parameters and essentially enjoy the very essence of each day...maybe I will have to throw away my watch and allow life to dictate time with no rule....maybe for at least a few hours a week. LOL