Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mac and Cheese

I am a big brother. Not literally-naw, I am a Big in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. My Little, as we call them, is my man. The other day on my b-day he gives me this home-made card and it says alot of deep stuff. Like no matter how many gifts you give me or where ever you take me, it all don't matter...not like I do not like those things but the real thing I enjoy is just spending time with you. He was like we got each other's backs, we just like mac and cheese. Word, that is what he said, we like mac and cheese. It was probably one of the most beautiful things that anyone has ever said to me.

It made me think about how I go about my life. I mean, I am trying desperately to be a good person, do the right thing all the time. I know that I make mistakes but I am trying. Still, it ain't always how you do is the fact that you do it. In other words, here I am doing all these things with my Little, trying to plan the ultimate time and even not scooping him when I can't think of like the coolest outing...but all that doesn't matter. Just do what you can, and it i appreciated even more. Life is simple like that.

The whole mac and cheese comment, well it got me. I never would have used that term, but it is so fitting. It is like over time, we have kinda melted together and in the process of our relationship "baking" we have both come about with a better perspective on life...better taste for the future and more flavor within our own existence. Cheese is good, and macaroni is alright but together man they are fantastic.

You never know how you will affect people's lives, so you have to be thankful for the moments to do so and you must represent God in all your interactions. My Little, he represents the beauty that God has provided to us when we spend time with children. They see the world in a most unique, and new way. They are more optimistic, more forthcoming and most of all more loving than almost any adult I have ever met. See, they are not tainted, not yet, by life's disappointments. I mean, they see the good in you...even if you can't tell if it is there or not.

The funny thing is, I am supposed to be the mentor in this relationship, but I learn just as much from my Little as, well, as I hope he does from me. At the end of the day, it is all about love. I mean, it cost nothing to love and you really do not have to limit the amount of people that you allow yourself to love...there is no cap on it. Just have to be open to all that love, friendship and time can offer.

Though we started out in different spaces
I see traces of myself in his smile
for a while wondered if I was doing
this 'brother' thing right, being better than just
a buddy
spending money on movies, food and frolic
ironic, this kid a quick study
old soul in a child's frame
the fundamentals what young'un seeking
every time we connect
all he yearning for is teaching
our conversations benefit us both
see the joy in his greeting, no words can
say we vibe like mac and cheese
stick tight like beans and rice
and we might end up being
friends longer than most others...
born in different spaces
still God placed us both as

copyright 2010

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