Who I know not yet,
yet I am aware that you are here
scared...I am I guess but that may not
seem to make sense
at the present time
time has passed so fast
and the last time I knew of one like you
well I felt somewhat the same
excited yet
responsible still, and even more so now
that you are near
here even
but some how on the way
so to speak
and I await your arrival
thrilled that you would choose me to be with
as if we are connected
as if you are a part of me
I know this in my heart
and mind
soul centered on acceptance
of blessings bestowed on my person
am I deserving of God's favor
of you
at all
I wish to be
so in that wish I must prepare
for your arrival
make a place for you amongst the space
within my space
thoughts, emotions, chambers
of my being
allow room for you
but it is ironic
I find that you are already
as if you arrived while I was sleeping
traveling within my dreams
with nothing...
no baggage
naked to the world you are
clothed in the hopes and intentions
of a people long past
ancestral images cast upon your face
your likeness
yet unique
never seen before
and fear has vacated my being
you are an illusion
of tomorrow
the hope within my vision
and I am in love with my imagination
for you dwell there
but only for an instant
for you are near
hear your heart beat when I breathe
so I inhale silently
to draw you close
a reflection of all that is to be
a reflection
of all that is good within
Ray Crawford
Copyright 2014