Sunday, October 22, 2006


What is my destiny, yours? I go to work everyday, and although I do not hate my job, most days anyway, it has nothing to do with who I am. I mean, it is work and a decent check every two weeks but if I were to define me-well, my job lies far beyond the definition of self. But, it is a job none-the-less and I do not want the Creator to feel I am unappreciative. However, change is within my veins. I spoke to a lady just the other day who said she had been working at the this same place for 28 years. That is nearly my entire life, and she said her experience had been good but now retirement was all she looked forward to...the end. I do not want that feeling...ever.

Some call it going through the motions...or they liken it all to the need to "make a living." Still, just making a living has nothing really to do with Destiny, does it? Or is "destiny" in this sense just making a living...his destiny was the dead end job and following the routine of life. I argue that destiny is something more. Maybe it is because I buy into the notion that is perpetuated in every great story, for example it was Clinton's destiny to be president, it was King's destiny to lead the Civil Rights Movement...attributing destiny only to those who stand out amongst us and do things that are admirable to most. Perhaps that is the limitation of my sight with regard to the term. Destiny does not always have to be could be someone's destiny to go to prison, to die in battle or be paralyzed on the football field. All could be defined as again, what is it, this all encompassing term relegated to both victory and defeat.

To me, again in my limited sense of vision, destiny is the plan placed within your spirit by God at birth...the plan that he set for you upon conception. Now, I also believe you can deny this same destiny-which is somewhat contradictory so let me try to explain my theory. To me, God places a plan for your life within your spirit at birth, and based on the experiences you have in life various aspects of the plan are acted out. However, the plan is constantly changing and becoming amended as you grow...and there are times when God will place choices before you-as he feels you become mature enough to make decisions. These choices are usually of grand magnitude, and upon making a decision your life will be directed. It is at this juncture, when choice is made, that your destiny can be changed-take choice A and you end up at a certain place, take choice B and you end up somewhere very different.

Now, opponents of this theory may argue that regardless of whether you take choice A or B, you will ultimately end at the same place, perhaps not immediately, but in time and therefore your destiny is the "ultimate place" you end up at-and therefore, it cannot be denied. Both conceptualizations of destiny are logical to me, still I pray my destiny is beyond anything I can imagine at present...destined for greatness my wish,
admit that may be deemed a bit self-centered
but when I entered the world
the final chapter had already been
the route I would take determined by my
belief in the unseen
and the mistakes I have made-
will make
along the way
were factored in long ago
before I was an embryo
a mere thought
in my parent's parents' imagination
I was destined
for something better than the best of my
for they exist inside of my being
their accomplishments my own
my future patterned by
my family's past labor
and the Savior
perhaps within me he be
as well
I hear tell the gifts given
must be utilized
not hidden
or your destiny denied
so I sing songs of praise
for all that the Creator gave
to myself
and the lineage before...
for greatness
I wonder,
is that what I am
destined for?

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