Thursday, January 11, 2007


Essentially it is all an act. This life thing, all an elaborate display of effort in its various manifestations over an indefinite period of survive. The act of survival. That is all it is at the skeleton...after you tear away all the flesh of one's experience; the act was only about survival. Still, it is within the act that we live. Our effort to survive colored by success and failure-gain and loss-which provide the stage of life. Dreams and denials the backdrop...friends, enemies and strangers the actors. All an act...a theatrical play of sorts. Reality TV minus...well, you get it.

But although it is an act, the curtain can close early if you never learn your role. If you never fall into character, than life can be difficult to manuever through. I used to wonder why when someone did something that did not fit their normal pattern of behavior or rather was least expected, folks would say that person was "acting out of character." But now it is clear, the character they were referring to was the character put forth by the person everyday. In part the image of the person outsiders have chosen to see in their own reality, yet still a character created and developed by the person playing the part. Often people think you are who you think you are but who you really are not. Think about that for a second...let it marinate.

It is simple-good people have bad in them. It is the balance of life. Bad people have good in them. The tension between positive and negative energy creates the need for balance. It is the positive and negative aspects of life that creates a need for God. For many, God and balance are both one and the same. Or out of love of the former, the latter is maintained. So even in the act, there must balance. You would not want to fall off the stage...

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