It happened to me today. I was already in it, like this situation with my house. So here is the breakdown: I am outside messing with my dog, come in the house and hear water dripping...really running as if the faucet is on. So I go into the half bath and there it is. Water is busting through one of the walls! WTyou know the rest! So I yell to my wife, who at this point I know is in the shower-not that I know know but the water-I know. So I am like-BABE, GET OUT THE SHOWER! She is like what? You gonna wake the baby...long story short, pipe burst over the bathroom ceiling-which was the drain pipe for the upstairs bath and all kinds of goodness just bust through the wall. Today the plumber basically "tore up" the bathroom to fix the pipe...and there are big sanitary dryers all over the house. That is the setting for "it" to happen again.
Not another pipe, but after I stay off work to deal with the gifts from years past that poured out of aforementioned pipe, I was rushing to work. Now, the whole rushing to work when you are about 4 hours beyond your start time is an oxymoron. Yeah, so me, the oxymoron himself is "rushing" to work like Brandon Jacobs through the Patriots front four...I don't even like the Giants but that was my Sportscenter moment. In the rush, I hit a red light, stop, light turns green, go-damn. Car in front of me, well...yeah. So I hit it.
I am dead wrong so I handle the fender bender-literally-like a man and take care of almost everything on the spot. But my energy is off. Not only has my house been jacked for days, which has the wife and little one off a bit, I been showering at our neighbors house, my money could always be better and tadow...banged out the whip. So, with the job on my neck, home out of order and now own pipes on the verge. So I write. I mean, there are plenty of folks in a lot worse situation than me...but I always have this to say about that-this is my situation. Let me break this theory down.
Everytime you are going through something, anything, and you maybe reveal that to someone else he or she always says-well, you know it could be worse or there are other people worse off than you. I usually reply with something like "yeah, that is right". Most often because I feel obligated, at that moment, to act is if I give a flying fig about this other, imaginary person that I do not know, about their potential misfortune that when compared to mine is "worse." So, I say all of that-in a run-on sentence at that-to simply say-why the hell do people say that? I mean we all know that it could be worse, but I said that this time when the wall burst with water from five years ago spilling out on the floor-"could be worse" I said. is.
I am not saying I do not feel other folks issues, or that it always goes from bad to terrible-only once in a while. But at the same time, your issue is your issue. No matter what happens to Tom, Dick and Harry what matters is what happens to you. How you feel is important-no bump that-how you feel is really all that matters at least sometimes. So if it is all jacked up, and your day totally sucks-you should not have to try and imagine someone else's misery to feel better. Just go ahead and get your "feel bad" on. Let it go. Cry. Fuss someone out. Go to the park and yell. angry blog entry. I don't know, but don't be made to feel bad about feeling bad. You have to understand feeling bad to recognize when it is really starting to feel good. If all that pressure is allowed to build up-and even at its pinnacle someone tells you to get over it or think about the guy who doesn't have whatever-they may get the business. So, to corral those emotions allow yourself to feel, heal, and release. It may not be that deep tomorrow, but today. Yeah, be easy.
is not your issue
and although
you may have one
close to the same
it ain't
how I feel is real
to me
so before you
from saying things
like it could be worse
or look on the bright side
I might
one day...
maybe even tomorrow
reassess my
but at present
my patience has left the
and perhaps you
should follow suit
it's not that this is
a pity party
but if so
what is it to you?
the table is set for
no need for opinions
motivational speeches
or sermonettes
just let me have my moment
in time I may forget
but that time is not right this
I want to wallow in this a while
ignore my cell phone ringing
delete all text upon receipt
cut someone off while driving
give 'em the bird if they beep
I am just all in my feelings
and regardless if
you have been down this path
I don't want to hear your story
I will Helen Keller you
can't hear you and can't see you
nothing you can do
except, well...shut the hell up
and leave me to my misery
I will get back at you when I am
until then...
down is where I
copyright 2012