Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Spirit

I went into the mall yesterday-with my Little Brother. Not my real Little Brother, but I am in the Big Brothers program in DC, so I had my little man with me yesterday. Our time was fun, but the mall...well, it was interesting. He was good the majority of time-but there were so many people that just seemed to be there. Out of obligation no less. I did not end up buying anything. I had already purchased his gifts. In reality I am just not feeling it. I have been trying to give of myself this season, perhaps more than before, to make up for my lack of energy when it comes to buying gifts.

I have so much going on financially, with my mortgage and bills, that buying gifts just does not excite me. The entire purpose I feel is becoming I had this discussion on-line with some family members about the entire gift cards issue. I mean, we pick a name and then you only buy a gift for the person whose name you choose. However, everyone was just saying they wanted a gift card to this store or that. There is a money limit-so I figure each person would buy a gift card for the money limit and trade them...that all just seemed like a formality. I mean gift buying is an illustration of the love shared when gifts were brought to Jesus at his birth. It was not just a going through the motions piece, but a well thought exchange.

I don't want to be a hypocrite, I like gift cards better than most but it is just that if 20 people are trading cards, just takes the whole wrapping paper, and excitement out of the gift exchange. Dulls it all for me. This brings me back to the mall. This is one of the worst economic periods of my lifetime, and I see folks with bags upon bags of stuff...and it makes me think are we even buying stuff for the spirit of things or for some unforseen obligation?

Maybe I am just on a different page this year...but I am trying to get into this holiday spirit. It is like four days left before the big day and I sit here, with no gifts at all. I may go out into the big world of shoppers today and test my endurance...then again. Regardless, I am happy it is Christmas time, and another year is about to be here. 2009 has big things within it so that is exciting. Maybe I will find the spirit by Monday. We shall see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rush, good reading. We all know that people have taken Christmas and made it what they want it to be. Kids have always asked "what did you get for Christmas' this is expected but you have adults who will ask the same. It is not about what you get but what you have given. The Christmas of 2007 was the best for me and I hope for my family. We did not give gifts. We gave love, laughter, joy, hope to each other. Some family members did it without knowing they were doing it. A large dinner was prepared, anyone entering our home enjoyed food and deserts along with pleasant conversation and laughter. Before preparing for Christmas on 2008, I thought about the Christmas of 2007 and I repeated it and again all the same love was given. The Holiday Spirit is what you make it not want others want you to make it.