Monday, November 06, 2006

In the wee hours...

of the morning I try to make sense of nonsense, of all which I do not understand. I cry, not tears necessarily, but my heart pours out across the page for a friend whose pain I have never known...I too, have lost a loved one in the recent months and well, questioned. I know many of my entries afford God all the power within the universe, and I do not ever wish to contradict that fact or statement rather, however...God made me a thinking individual-a human for Christ sake. Within humanity, he provided the gift of logic and when we lose, anything, but most of all a loved one, we who have been given the gift of logic and reason feel that the loss is illogical, most often and there is no reason nor rationale that will make it all easier to bear. It is at this point that we "question" our most revered Lord.

Yet, answers do not fall from the sky...they are not written on the mirror in the morning when we awake, after having cried ourselves to sleep. Oh no, we may yell and scream at God asking over and over again why has he done this to US-our family, our lives, ours...ours...ours is not to question why but to give praise. You and I and all out there in internet land must understand time is not ours, to be done with as we please and our loved one...oh, how much we needed and treasured them but they were loaned to us by the same God we now question...without right. We are God's children, and regardless of the pain we must bear when one of our dearest loved ones is taken from us oh too soon, he or she was a gift provided by God for a time, and when they are called home there is no rejecting the call. Our time will come, and thus we must continue and give God all the praise for the time he allowed us to share with those whom he now has in his company.

Cry for me if you must
but trust the true Father has called
me home
and I am not alone
I stand amongst family and ancestors
never known
meeting for the first time forever
and never will pain
be felt again
unless when I look down
and see your tears
but only cry for me if you
but trust
I am in his hands
cradled in his glory
and all the stories we learned in Sunday school
could not compare
to the love I now share
atop the sky
I fly without wings
and the past life but a mere memory
in the far reaches of my being
being born again
this time without sin
it all just begins
so wipe your tears
only cry for me if you
but trust,
I cry no more...
and I wait for you
for in you God sees favor
you were left to do our Father's bidding
so do not say good-bye
my dearest
for I will see
on tomorrow's tomorrow
in the lifetime after next
we will be together
as we continue to
be now
so cry for me if you must
but trust

RushTaper Copyright 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RushTaper, your words have capture my heart and soul.
