Monday, July 26, 2010

alien was not so new
to the natives that were present here since well
before ships set sail
and the self-proclaimed alpha males began seeing
the Earth as less than flat
the map may not have had names attached
to places
but there were surely various races, or rather more simply
hues of man
inhabiting the land prior to
the arrival of the
beings from outside this space
that made claims
in the name of people and nation states
with no basis
no justification except the preoccupation
with ownership of everything within sight
and 3000 miles more than that
from shore to shore
mountaintop to cavern's floor
and 3000 miles more
in fact within 300 years or less
the natives would rest less
die young...decrease
fail to exist
and the aliens would determine
who was fit
to share this place
they know as home
once home-less
rarity for the citizens
erecting fences as borders
or rather borders with fences
to diminish the life chances of those
who chance life for the life
one might make in the New World
no longer-
old story still the same
unless ancestors came atop the ship...
landed on Plymouth rock or were of the same
stock whom were received at Ellis Island
beneath the gaze of Liberty
than liberty not free
fabricated to fit the interests of a chosen few
and all others foreign to the conceptualization
as if beings from outside this thought and space

copyright 2010

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